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Nonverbals in Business

Decoding the Signals

Businesswomen Portrait

To succeed in business, any business, knowing how to build rapport and connect with people is essential. It's not just about what you say, but also how you say it. Your ability to inspire trust, articulate ideas clearly, and make a great first impression depends on both your words and nonverbal cues.


Body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and overall presentation reveal much about your confidence and credibility. By tuning into and refining these nonverbal cues, you can significantly improve your communication skills and build stronger bonds with colleagues, customers, investors, and partners alike.


Discover how to improve your body language and leverage nonverbal communication in business to create meaningful connections, and elevate your professional relationships.

 7 Seconds To Impress

Did you know it takes less than 7 seconds to decide whether or not you like someone? As human beings, we are designed to quickly size each other up. Studies suggest that we form our initial opinion of someone within the first 7 seconds of meeting them.

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